It seemed there was no way we weren't gonna win. “To be honest, I really don't know,” said Anna, a 31-year-old mother of two young children, trying to recall her initial disappointment. Earlier episodes were broadcast in February and March. They'd been chosen after a San Francisco audition. They've known the outcome - and were contractually obligated to silence - since the shows were taped in August in Atlanta, Ga. Not to the Sasses, who, coincidentally, competed against the Lennear family from Modesto. To Game Show Network viewers - and Internet voyeurs - it's like a football team blowing a huge lead late in the fourth quarter. That's because the Stockton family was within 18 points of winning $20,000 (and a new car) on “Family Feud” when Anna's somewhat flustered responses to five questions failed to add a single point.

The feeling that I had let my family down.” The Huffington Post's home page exclaimed: “ 'Family Feud' Fail Is One for the Game Show Ages.” Anna told the website, “It brings back all the emotions. “I just watched her on 'The Today Show,' (NBC-TV) and 'Good Morning America' (ABC) for goodness sakes.” She was laughing hysterically about the family's YouTube prominence. “Yes, we went 'viral,' ” Carrie Sass, Anna's mother-in-law, said.
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The Sasses Tuesday and Wednesday appearances on the “Family Feud” TV quiz show have rocketed into cyberspace orbit. The most awesome experience we've ever had as a family.” I never thought in a million years this would be as big as it is. “You know, I feel pretty good,” she said.

Members of the Sass family remain thoroughly ecstatic.Įven Anna, who seemed mortified and tearful at the time.