Another word for add value
Another word for add value

The choice of tables and columns is important for Q&A. In the second image, relationships are defined between the tables. In the first image, there are no relationships between the Customers, Sales, and Products tables. The following images show a model that needs work, and a model that is ready for Q&A. For example, you can't ask for the “total sales for Seattle customers” if the relationship between the orders table and the customers table is missing. Relationships are the cornerstone of a good model.


If your model is missing relationships between tables, neither Power BI reports nor Q&A can interpret how to join those tables. In this case, read the other sections below to help you optimize.

another word for add value

Sometimes, some questions still can't be addressed because the data is shaped incorrectly or data is missing. With Q&A tooling, you teach your core business terms to Q&A and fix questions your end users ask. In the following sections, we describe how to adjust your model so it works well with Q&A in Power BI. Those adjustments for Q&A are the same best-practice optimizations for any model in Power BI, regardless whether you use Q&A.

another word for add value

If the structure of your model doesn't meet one or more of these assumptions, you need to adjust your model. To enable Q&A to successfully interpret the large collection of questions it's capable of responding to, Q&A must make assumptions about the model. Even more powerful is when your data answers, which is what Q&A in Power BI does. Using common phrases and natural language to ask questions of your data is powerful.

Another word for add value